So almost two months ago, I received this email from some guy who works for the district, of whom I had never heard. He said he was in charge of
ACP (alternative
certification process), and that he had gotten word that I was having trouble with "professionalism". He scheduled a meeting for the following Wednesday, in my room, at 10:35 am. The email was copied to my principal, my PD, and to my
PD's boss.
Needless to say, I was shocked. Even more shocking, was another
TFA teacher, 2 doors down from me, received an IDENTICAL email, except his meeting was at 10:50 am, and in HIS classroom.
WTF indeed. So, much debate
ensued. The next week rolled around. Wednesday I came down with the flu. I went to school SOLELY BECAUSE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN UNPROFESSIONAL TO MISS THE MEETING. *grin*. *head shake*. Anyway, at the meeting, the district guy, two of his aides, my PD, and her boss all sat down and discussed the specific nature of my unprofessional behavior.
It started like this:
"So do you know what this is about?"
"No, actually, I have thought about it, and I have no idea."
Awkward waiting.
"Well, let me read you some specific things...blah blah blah blah"
It ended like this:
"I am going to go out on a limb here. I know you are sick, and I don't know you, but I am reading that you are angry. Maybe I'm wrong, but that is not a good position to be in."
"Uh huh."
"Well, if you ever need anything, you can contact me. I'm more than willing to help."
I leave the meeting, and the district guy follows me out. He shakes my hand and then:"I meant what I said. I think you are angry. And I am willing to listen."
Pause. Trying to decide what to do."Of course I'm angry. I'm furious. This was like a slap in the face. I am working really hard, and this is the first I heard of it?"
Ugly situation. I did not go to school the next two days. Flu. I went back, on Monday, was cooled down some, and scheduled a meeting with my principal to discuss my plan for redemption. *cough* I mean improvement.
So I roll into this meeting with no real idea what I want to talk about. I thought she would dictate the agenda to me. Oh well. So I make up some stuff.
"I didn't think the meeting went well."
"You were sick, it is understandable."
"Still. There were some really good points. I have a few questions."
"That's great. What were they?"
" with the
DCA stuff, what is the timetable you want for those things?"
"As soon as you administer the tests, the results should be posted."
This continued for about 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes where my principal started talking about how we can reach every student if we try hard enough. During this whole period I was trying to think if there was anything I *really* wanted to know. I was paying attention too.
"One thing really kind of upset me about the meeting though. One of the comments was that I was not a 'team player' and that I was hard to work with or something. I feel like I am always going around work with a smile on my face, willing to help, greeting everyone, so I don't understand where this could have come from."
"Well, when you are by yourself you are like that. That is exactly why I wanted to hire you in the first place. But when you are with...
At this point, my principal debates about telling me something, and then goes for it. Basically, when I am hanging out with this other math
TFA guy, we become super negative. Jerks. Arrogant.
Well. Look who has egg on their face now.
"Wow. I didn't even know I was doing that."
"Yea. That is why I wanted to bring this up. I know you guys can be great members of our team. So by addressing this now, we can get back to work."
"Sounds great!"
A couple weeks ago, my principal drops by the computer lab, while my kids are working on their tutorial program.
"Could I speak with you for a moment Mr. Blair?"
Ohhhhh no. "Sure."
The district guy is hiding around the corner.
"I hear you have been doing a great job since our chat."
"Yes sir! Things are going very well."
Everyone smiles and rides off into the sunset.
I feel ill.