Monday, March 24, 2008


From January until spring break, I was not too excited about teaching. In fact, I was not excited to the point that I adopted a behavior that had never before existed - I began hitting the snooze button.

Regardless of how I arrived in that low place, nor what I ought to do as a result of it (in terms of life, vocation, etc.), I decided that 2 months of dreading work was just not something I was prepared to accept when I could take steps to change it.

And so, steps were taken.
I purchased a projector. For my classroom.
And for watching movies with a 17.5 foot diagonal screen in our living room.
But mainly for my classroom.

Today was the first day teaching with my new projector. My kids were excited. I was excited. I am still excited. I am actually planning right now (well, not right now).

So, if you ever get to the point where you are hitting the snooze 3 times a morning because you don't want to face the day, all you need to do is visit your nearest electronics retailer or and purchase yourself a projector. Guaranteed to boost morale, or your money back.

Of course, having a week off helps too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Blair, I have nothing but high hopes for you and your digital projector. I started using one a year and a half ago and I am not one bit the teacher I was then, it's revolutionized my practice that much.

I gave a presentation in Oakland, CA, the other day, explaining all this, which I'll post at my blog shortly. I hope you'll stop by and leave some thoughts.